Unknown source provided. Please try again. (Error 5100)
Please open a new private/incognito window and log in via EU Login with the EU Login Mobile App option. Once connected to EU Login, access again the URL from your application in the same browser window.
Please complete the device enrolment procedure first. (Error 5200)
The enrolment process of the EU Login Mobile app must be completed first. Please follow the EU Login tutorial to complete the enrolment and try again to log in to your application.
A problem occurred with completing your device enrolment. Please retry the enrolment. (Error 5201)
The enrolment process of the EU Login Mobile app must be restarted. Please follow the How can I add a mobile device to my EU Login account? to restart the enrolment and try to login again to your application.
Unable to process QR code. Please try again. (Error 5202)
Please make sure to scan the QR code for the enrolment and not for EU Login authentication. Please follow the How can I add a mobile device to my EU Login account?to complete the enrolment and try to login again to your application.
Your mobile device could not be linked to this EU Login account. Enter a valid PIN code. (Error 5203)
Please make sure to scan the QR code for the enrolment and not for EU Login authentication and that a correct PIN code is entered. Please follow the How can I add a mobile device to my EU Login account? for guidance on how to complete the enrolment and try to login again to your application.
Unable to negotiate a GCM identifier. Are you behind a VPN, Proxy, or Firewall? (Error 5204)
This may be due to various reasons that require investigation. Verify that you are not using a VPN to connect and if your device is compatible with the EU Login Mobile app. If this error persists, please use the "Send technical info about this device" button from the "About this app" menu of your EU Login mobile app.
There seems to be a problem with generating the one-time token. Please check if your device is registered correctly in EU Login. (Error 5300)
Please make sure to scan the QR code for the enrolment and not for EU Login authentication. You can follow the How can I add a mobile device to my EU Login account? to complete the enrolment process before trying to login.
Unable to process QR code, please try again. (Error 5301)
Please make sure to scan the correct QR code, in case of doubt, please provide print screens of the different steps. You may also try to access EU Login directly in a private window. Please refer to the How can I add a mobile device to my EU Login account? for step-by-step guidance.
Unable to process QR code, it seems to be invalid. (Error 5303)
Please make sure to scan the correct QR code and try again to log in to EU Login via a new private/incognito window.
Invalid QR code. You scanned the QR code for authentication. Please follow the tutorial and use a different verification method! (Error 5305)
Please see the different scenarios below:
- You have no device registered and try to authenticate with one
Please follow the EU Login tutorial to add the device and then authenticate with it.
- You have an older device registered and try to authenticate with a new one which is not yet registered
If you do not have access to your old device anymore you will need to remove it first, then enrol the new one. Please refer to the corresponding questions in this FAQ (see I reinstalled the EU Login mobile app and/or my device is broken, was stolen or I replaced it).
- You had the device registered but the EU Login app was reinstalled or a reset on the device was performed resulting into a broken link between the device and the EU Login account.
In case the link between your device and your EU Login account is broken, your device is considered as a "new" device, you will therefore have to remove your mobile device from your EU Login account first and then add it as if it was new. Please refer to the corresponding entries of this FAQ to do so (see I reinstalled the EU Login mobile app and/or my device is broken, was stolen or I replaced it).
Invalid QR code. We currently don't support HOTP QR codes. (Error 5307)
You have scanned and recognized a QR Code for HOTPs (counter based HMAC OTPs). We currently don't support those. Please make sure to only scan QR codes generated by EU Login.
Unable to update your pin. Please try again. (Error 5400)
If you have lost or forgot your PIN code for the EU Login Mobile APP, open the app, go to Settings on the upper right part, click the "About this app" menu (Android), click on the 3 dots (Android) or the cog wheel (iOS), click on "Forgot PIN code", insert your EU Login credentials for the account linked to this mobile device and choose a new PIN code.
Should this not work, please contact your helpdesk, providing the exact timestamp when you have tried the above procedure and different print screens of the steps you took, including the error message.
You have not enrolled any fingerprints. Please enable the fingerprint authentication and enrol at least one print (error 5800)
For IOS: Please enable fingerprint/biometric on your device and enrol the EU Login Mobile App.
Android only: You have enrolled your device, but you can't enable the Fingerprint Authentication mechanism. Your device is secure but has no registered fingerprints on the OS. Please reset the biometric enrolment ("Settings" > "Biometric authentication" > three dots in the top right corner > "Reset biometric enrolment").