Please first make sure that the email is not in the "Spam" or "Junk" folder of your mailbox.
The email to reset the password/registration can arrive up to 20 minutes after it was requested. We suggest to try again via the "Lost your password?" option and check your spam/junk folders during the following 10 to 30 minutes. For more information about password reset, please consult How to change/reset my EU Login password?
If it still not works, it means that the reset password email could be:
- blocked by a firewall, blacklist provider, anti-spam filter or similar protection mechanism;
- set as "private" and you should delegate access, following the instructions provided here.
If you are using a company or public administration email address, please request your IT department to check emails coming from automated-notificationsnomail [dot] ec [dot] europa [dot] eu (automated-notifications[at]nomail[dot]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) and whitelist the following IP addresses: